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Smulders is an international steel construction company with more than 1,000 employees working across different locations in Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Poland. The company was responsible for the construction of 40 transition pieces (TPs) and 80 e-units for wpd’s offshore wind farm Yunlin, located approx. 8 km off the west coast of Taiwan.

The transition pieces are built that they can beat the earthquakes and typhoons. The conical TPs are wider towards the end and the section on which the windmill will be placed is T-shaped.

The attached video shows how Jumbo transport and deliver this massives pieces.

Jan Hein Reeringh​, Communications Manager a.i. at Jumbo said: “I have understood that there are only 8 heavy lift vessels in the world that can handle 10 TPs in their hold/on their deck (i.e. 4x Jumbo J-class, 2x Jumbo K-class and 2 BigLift vessels). I did not believe this when I heard this internally the first time. For example, what about SAL’s Svenja and Lone or the many (flat) deck carriers? However, upon asking repeatedly, it turned out that some vessels do have the space, but still cannot take the point loads and the enormous forces (from all sides) during sea transport. To be honest, I am still not sure that for example the Boka Vanguard could not do it, but even if there’s more than 8 ships, there’s only a handful of ships worldwide that can do this, hence something to be proud of!”

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