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Mammoet has started a bridge replacement project at Amsterdam Centraal Station, working alongside Dutch engineering company Dura Vermeer. The project involves replacing four steel railway bridges and one concrete bridge on the east side of the station, all while minimizing disruption to commuters.

The upgrades are part of the High-Frequency Rail Transport (PHS) Programme, which includes track improvements, infrastructure adjustments, and station renovations to accommodate more trains and passengers.

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Mammoet is handling the load-out, transport, and installation of the bridge sections, each weighing between 173 and 275 tonnes and measuring 24 to 28 meters long. To avoid disrupting rail operations and city traffic, the entire operation is being carried out by water.

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One bridge will be replaced annually until 2028. The bridge sections, fabricated by Hollandia in the Netherlands, are transported to the Oostertoegang area on flattop barges via the river De Lek and the Lekkanaal. To pass under a low footbridge near the site, Mammoet uses copper pontoons filled with water to partially submerge the barge.

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Once in position, a 90-tonne mobile crane stationed on a temporary bridge removes the pontoons, allowing Mammoet’s Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMTs) to take over. Mammoet’s Mega Jack 300 system then lifts the bridge sections four meters high to allow the SPMTs to move a support frame into place underneath. The SPMTs rotate the sections 90 degrees to align them before driving them off the barge, across steel mats, and onto support towers.

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The installation follows a precise sequence: Mammoet places the east section first, followed by the west, and finally the middle section, which is lifted and installed directly from the barge deck.

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Leo de Vette, Project Manager at Mammoet, explained: “We’ve been involved in this project since 2021. Using water for installation helps limit transport movements and avoids disrupting the city center. The limited space and interconnected steps make it a highly complex operation that requires careful management.”

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Martin de Ruijter, Project Manager at Dura Vermeer, added: “This renovation will enable more trains to operate from Amsterdam Centraal and help meet growing passenger demand. Mammoet’s engineering expertise has been vital in keeping the station operational throughout the project, minimizing disruption for passengers and the city.”

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