Bridgestone Mobility Solutions has introduced Bridgestone Road Conditions, a portfolio of solutions that uses aggregated and anonymized data from Webfleet-connected vehicles to offer valuable insights on road quality and safety. Customers can access two solutions that aid in identifying road damage location and severity, as well as visualizing road assets.
The Road Damage Detection solution uses sensors and vehicle data to detect road anomalies and defines the severity of road damage with an AI algorithm. The Road Asset Visualisation solution analyzes data from multiple connected vehicle sensors and cameras to provide intelligence on roads and infrastructure.

“Bridgestone Road Conditions can help increase road safety and comfort by providing real-time data insights on road damage that allow preventive road maintenance, infrastructure planning and optimised traffic flow,” said Raghunath Banerjee, Vice President of Data Solutions at Bridgestone Mobility Solutions.
“These advanced data solutions will play a fundamental role in the digital transformation of future mobility, enabling development of smart cities, mobility-as-a-service providers as well as connected and autonomous vehicles. Following the Bridgestone E8 Commitment, our new portfolio of data solutions is contributing to a more sustainable and safer future of mobility.”
The Bridgestone E8 Commitment encompasses eight focus areas – Energy, Ecology, Efficiency, Extension, Economy, Emotion, Ease, and Empowerment. This commitment guides Bridgestone’s strategic priorities, decision making, and actions across all business operations. Bridgestone Road Conditions is currently available in UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.