Nooteboom has introduced the latest addition to its range, the OSD-73-04 semi low-loader with hydraulic widening for the European market. Specially developed for the transport of machines weighing up to approximately 47 tons, this 4-axle trailer can efficiently transport even tracked excavators with a track width of up to 2,900mm and a track length of at least 5,000mm.

Within the international exceptional transport market, there is growing interest in hydraulic widening on a semi low-loader. With the new OSD-73-04(S), the loading area can be widened from 2,540mm to 3,210mm saving time and effort. At the push of a button, the width of the loading floor can be adjusted infinitely, with the left and right sides separately adjustable. For extra grip, the sliding parts are fitted with a rubber top layer as standard. The increase in deadweight of the semi low-loader with hydraulic widening is minimal compared to a semi low-loader with manual loading floor widening.

With the widening retracted, the vehicle remains within the legal dimensions of 2,550mm width and may also transport divisible cargo. With the widening fully extended, the same trailer is suitable for the transport of large excavators. The step from 2,540mm to 3,210mm wide is not achievable with a manual widening. In this case, you start with a semi low-loader with a width of 2,720 mm to get to 3240 with widening. The big disadvantage is that you cannot transport a divisible load. A 2,520mm wide semi low-loader with manual widening does not exceed a width of 3,020mm.

For loading and unloading of machines, the semi low-loader is equipped with automatic hydraulically folding ramps of four meters in length. These are suitable for a maximum wheel pressure of 15 tons per ramp. With an inclination angle of only 11 degrees, machines can be easily driven on and off the semi low-loader. The steel ramps are fitted with wooden parts. At the rear, the vehicle is equipped as standard with manual drop down support legs for safely driving on and off machines. Hydraulic rear support legs are optional. These are infinitely adjustable on the left and right and are ideal for uneven surfaces.

A large quantity of these new vehicles have already been ordered and largely delivered, particularly in the United Kingdom.