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JSI Alliance Completes Basrah Refinery Upgrading Project

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The JSI Alliance recently achieved a significant milestone in the Basrah Refinery Upgrading Project for JGC Corporation. On March 11th, MV Svenja successfully discharged nine modules, marking the completion of the Alliance’s scope of work.

This accomplishment was made possible by JSI Alliance’s comprehensive approach, leveraging in-house engineering, project management, QSHE expertise, and an experienced crew. The project featured a flexible fleet and adaptive approach, with two dedicated vessels – the Jumbo Kinetic and MV Svenja – equipped with specialized lifting capabilities. Together, they transported 84 modules using JCG’s custom lifting frame, ensuring efficient access to the restricted Morimatsu plant in Nantong.


Throughout the project, various vessels from the JSI Alliance fleet played supporting roles, facilitating the transportation of approximately 450,000 frts of cargo over twelve months. By pooling its vessels, the Alliance maintained flexibility, optimizing vessel selection for each voyage and avoiding workflow interruptions.


To enhance efficiency, JSI implemented measures such as investing in HPME rigging and increasing onboard crew numbers. Additionally, they developed a simple yet effective enhancement to the lifting frame, speeding up the module hooking process safely.

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The close cooperation within the JSI Alliance not only optimized efficiency but also boosted safety. Lessons learned from each voyage were shared among all stakeholders to maximize safe practices.

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Kiharu Yamashita, Project Logistics Manager at JGC Corporation, expressed satisfaction with the Alliance’s performance, highlighting smooth communication and collaboration between all parties involved.

Robert de Waard, Project Manager at JSI, extended gratitude to JGC for their trust and cooperation, acknowledging the efforts of colleagues and crew members in achieving efficiency gains.

Port Captain Mike Ma emphasized the privilege of overseeing the logistics of such a complex project and expressed fulfillment in contributing to its successful completion.

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The Basrah Refinery Upgrading Project, awarded by the South Refineries Company, is expected to significantly contribute to Iraq’s energy independence, job creation, and economic development upon completion.

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