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Eiffage-Led Joint Venture to Upgrade Dakar’s Electrical Network

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Eiffage, in partnership with Herbosch-Kiere and Enshore Subsea, has secured a $205 million EPCI contract with MCA-Sénégal II. This joint venture will design, manufacture, and install undersea electrical cables in Dakar, Senegal. The project aims to enhance Dakar’s high-voltage electrical network infrastructure as part of the Senegal Power Compact program, an initiative to foster economic growth and reduce poverty.

The project involves installing two 225 kV power cables offshore, spanning 16 kilometers each, and six two-kilometer 225 kV cables onshore, connecting Dakar’s west and east coasts. Offshore work starts in October 2023 and targets completion by the end of 2025.

Herbosch-Kiere and Enshore Subsea will excavate trenches, lay high-density polyethylene conduits for cable placement, and backfill to protect the cables. Two specialized vessels, Gaverland and Atlantis, will be used.

Eiffage Sénégal handles onshore civil engineering near Rive Bel Air, and Eiffage Énergie Systèmes installs onshore cables. This project signifies a substantial investment in Dakar’s electrical infrastructure, aligning with Senegal’s development goals.

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