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Eurogate CTW opts for two automated dual trolley STS cranes

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Eurogate Container Terminals Wilhelmshaven has ordered two dual trolley ship to shore container cranes from Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd. The cranes are automated, cabinless, with a 73m primary outreach, a lift height of 54.5m, a span of 30.48m, and a 26m operational back reach with a secondary trolley. They are equipped with Liebherr Remote Operator Stations and designed for tandem operation. The primary trolley delivers containers to a pinning platform, where they rest on frames while twist locks are removed. Once pinning personnel leave the platform, they activate the secondary trolley, which automatically delivers the container to landside AGVs.

Eurogate has relied on Liebherr

Eurogate has relied on Liebherr for its container handling needs in previous projects, such as supplying over 20 STS cranes to Eurogate Terminals in Germany and eight STS cranes to Tanger Alliance in Morocco, where Eurogate is a shareholder. These cranes will be the first double trolley container cranes at CTW and will handle the largest container vessels in the world. Wilhelmshaven, being Germany’s only deep-water port allowing ultra-large container vessel access at all tides, is a key component of Germany’s transport infrastructure, and growth in throughput is expected with Eurogate’s expansion and modernization of the terminal into an automated terminal for the future.

Comment from Liebherr’s Managing Director

Liebherr’s Managing Director – Sales, Gerry Bunyan commented, “It is an honour for us at Liebherr to continue our partnership with Eurogate and to supply these important cranes to CTW. Eurogate have first-hand experience with Liebherr’s ship to shore container cranes and have come to know, and rely on the high quality cranes and service that Liebherr provide. Our technical ability is well recognised and we look forward to delivering state-of-the-art industry leading STS cranes to CTW and to seeing them playing a key role in the terminal’s future.”

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