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New dates for Breakbulk Europe

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Breakbulk Europe has been postponed until September in light of the global novel coronavirus pandemic. The event will now take place at Messe Bremen in Bremen, Germany, from 29 September to 1 October 2020.

“We have been closely monitoring the impact of Covid-19 not only in Germany, but across the world, and have decided to move the event to September to ensure the safety of our customers,” stated Nick Davison, Portfolio Director for Breakbulk and CWEIME events, Hyve Group. “We know that this is the most important gathering for the breakbulk and project cargo industry and we want to be sure our customers can meet in a safe environment. The pandemic has had a significant impact on the global supply chain and bringing the industry to Breakbulk Europe will provide an opportunity for leaders to discuss the best way forward.”

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