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Lase will supply four LaseLCPS-STS-3D Load collision prevention systems for a project in Egypt. The four x 3D laser measurement systems will be installed on STS cranes of a Chinese crane manufacturer. Lase has designed the LaseLCPS-STS-3D system to ensure collision prevention between load and container in the operational bay and adjacent bays on the vessel. It can also detect catwalks, cell-guides and hatch covers. The system helps to have accident free and safe operation. 

This measurement system consists of two LASE 2000D laser scanners (3D version with LASE 3000D laser scanners) which are mounted under the trolley. The specific software application collects the scan data, does all necessary calculations and sends the results to the PLC. The laser scanners look downwards with a scan plane across two bays. When the trolley starts driving over the vessel, the measurement system generates a 2D-profile (resp. 3D-) of the stacks within the bays. Additionally the spreader is in the view of the scanners. By comparing the actual load position (spreader with/without container) with the profile of the stacks a collision prevention is ensured.

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