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Free Inspection App available in 35 languages

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MyCrane recently introduced the new Inspections App to boost crane rental confidence. Downloaded via the Apple or Android stores, the free Inspections App helps prevent fraud and reduces risk by digitalising the crane rental inspection process. The App, available in more than 35 languages, makes use of Artificial Intelligence to verify data such as location of the crane and the authenticity of registration documents. It can be used by anybody with access to a smart phone and does not require specialist knowledge. The App is available in more than 35 languages and can be downloaded via the Apple or Android stores

By following push notifications from the App, images of the crane can be uploaded, along with key data about the equipment. Only live image and video recording can be accepted, while in-app fraud detection and recognition is another feature of the App. According to MyCrane, the new App is particularly useful where clients impose the condition and maximum age of equipment, or where clients have specific requirements around inspection. 

“Our new App is another innovative tool that offers a high level of transparency for our customers, reassuring them that the proposed equipment is as described, and helping to minimise disputes,” says Andrei Geikalo, founder and CEO of MyCrane. “Crane rental providers will also find the Inspections App useful. In the case of bare rentals, for instance, our App may provide proof of discrepancies between the outgoing inspections and incoming inspections when the equipment is confirmed off-rent and being returned to the crane provider, because it will be so simple to verify the condition of the equipment. Now, anybody can use the Inspections App to easily and quickly request a safety and quality check – at any time.”

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