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Newbuilding MV UHL Felicity delivered to United Heavy Lift

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F900 Eco-Lifter newbuilding MV UHL Felicity was delivered to United Heavy Lift on May 21, 2022. MV UHL Felicity is vessel number 17 in a series of 19 state-of-the-art F900 Eco-Lifters newbuildings to join the fleet. UHL has taken delivery of the newbuilding at the CSSC Hudong shipyard in Shanghai, China. MV UHL Felicity will make her maiden voyage from South Korea to Indonesia via Japan and Vietnam, discharging a 470 mton trafo in Merak, Indonesia. The vessel is expected to arrive in Indonesia in June 2022. “We would like to thank CSSC Leasing, China, for their great support in securing the F900 vessels in a fourteen-year time charter to UHL.” says Andreas Rolner, managing director of United Heavy Lift.

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