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We4Sea has been contracted by Roll Group for fleet-wide implementation of its ‘cloud-based ship performance management tool’, after successfully concluding trials on a number of Roll Group’s Heavy Lift Vessels. For this contract, the Dutch performance monitoring company We4Sea, has signed an agreement with one of the world leaders in global mobile satellite communications, Inmarsat, as its digital application provider. Roll Group implements We4Sea’s performance monitoring system, using Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress solution in which its Fleet Data IoT platform is embedded. The combination of the free of charge Fleet Data and application trialling without risk will provide a “tipping point” for maritime digitalisation, according to Marco Cristoforo Camporeale, Head of Maritime Digital, Inmarsat. 

This is the first example of a future-proof IoT set-up for ships that allow owners to investigate digitalisation without commitment,” he says. “They can assess applications off the shelf and, if they work, agree on terms. In this case, the We4Sea trials on RollDock Star and RollDock Storm helped optimised speed and generator efficiency that led to a significant cut in fuel consumption.” 

Requiring no hardware onboard, the We4Sea application uses a Digital Twin as the basis for comparison with the most easily accessible ship and operating profile data. 

Variations with the Digital Twin and ship data are flagged as potential inefficiencies that need action or correction reporting. Under the Certified Application Provider agreement, We4Sea cloud analytics uses the dedicated Fleet Data bandwidth to secure always-on, or on-demand ship-shore communication via an Application Programming Interface.

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