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Oil & Steel appoints Roscini Veicoli Industriali S.p.A. best Italy Dealer 2020

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Oil & Steel, through its commercial director for Italy, Fulvio Frunzio, has appointed Roscini Veicoli Industriali S.p.A. best Italy Dealer 2020. Fulvio Frunzio, commercial director of Oil & Steel Italy, said: “I am extremely happy to analyze the exponential growth of the Roscini company in the last three years when the aerial platform business was marginal for them. The important milestone has been passed with the growth of over 70% in three years that goes beyond the rosiest forecasts “.

“In my opinion, success was determined by the desire to explore new commercial interests on the part of Roscini (car/truck business) united with the perseverance of our company in believing in a strong growth of an initially atypical partner but with solid potential “.

Gianni Francenici, President of the Board of Directors Roscini Veicoli Industriali S.p.A. added: “We are delighted and proud of the working collaboration that was born between our organization and the company PM Oil & Steel Spa. For some years now we have been investing part of our company resources in the aerial platform sector and in making this we have identified in Oil & Steel a reliable and serious partner.

Right from the start, we found ourselves in tune with the working mentality of Oil & Steel and with their way of operating, having found important affinities between their objectives and ours. All this created, as the relationship grew, a great enthusiasm on our part in trying to reach increasingly important goals.

The creator of all this was the Sales Director Fulvio Frunzio who believed in us from the beginning and allowed us to grow and be more and more involved in the project. We found in him a serious professional, a profound connoisseur of the market and the product and a reliable, serious, and engaging person. Through him, we then met the rest of the organization PM Oil & Steel S.p.A and we appreciated their figures, qualities and organization and we would also like to thank in particular the General Manager Fabrizio Girotti for the trust he has placed in us. We are committed to increasing commitment and resources to continue this partnership hoping in the future to significantly implement the number of sales and the service sector so that the Oil & Steel brand in collaboration with Roscini Veicoli Industriali SpA can always have a greater presence. in Rome and throughout Lazio. For the future, we also have great confidence in the possibility of developing new products by the Oil & Steel brand that meet the different needs of customers.”

Photo from left to right: Andrea Fulli, Commercial Manager of the Roscini Aerial Platforms division, Gianni Francenici, President of the C.d.A Roscini Veicoli Industriali S.p.A., Fulvio Frunzio, Commercial Director of Oil & Steel Italy.

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