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Instant UpRight launches range of low-level powered access platforms

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Irish scaffold tower manufacturer Instant UpRight is launching a range of low-level electric-powered access platforms. This machine range, dedicated to the European and Asian markets, is produced in conjunction with a Chinese manufacturing partner. Instant UpRight’s new range includes the 6m MX1330 push-around scissor lift, 6.4m MX1430 self-propelled electric mini scissor lift, 7.8m MX1930 self-propelled electric lift, 10m X2632 self-propelled electric scissor lift and the 12m ML3330 push-around mast lift.

Joe Oxley, Group Managing Director for Instant UpRight said: “Initial interest in the new machine range has been high and we have already delivered the first few units which are out working and showing great results. The company is no stranger to the AWP market and there is still a strong brand awareness present – the return of Instant UpRight blue machines presents us with an exciting challenge which is welcomed by the whole IU team.”

The company will introduce the new line from July and will be supplied from its recently opened European warehouse and distribution hub located in Venlo, the Netherlands.

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